
Thursday, September 29, 2011

Do not disable Superfetch in Windows 7 for Speed improvements EVER

Many of us at some time or another feel that our system has slowed down and it would be best to do some tweaks. Well my Windows 7 installation is over a year old and I have worked with 100s of projects on it and installed a lot of supporting software. So after following much advice on the web to try to speed up Visual Studio and Windows 7, it didn't get much faster.
 I eventually came across a discussion about SuperFetch and the benefits of keeping it enabled, yet most of the other info out there had recommended disabling it. Well I have had SuperFetch disabled for some time, most likely pre- Windows 7 SP1.
Today I enabled it again, holy crap did it make a difference. Took a full two minutes off my boot time and applications do seem to load faster. Let alone my Visual Studio project I am currently working in, which is quite large, is no longer hanging telling me Visual Studio is not responding.
So please, learn from my mistake, research all tweaks before you go off some bloggers advice. Do not disable SuperFetch in Windows 7!!!!!

Friday, September 16, 2011

Error in DotNetNuke after Upgrade to 5.6.3 The file '/Admin/Users/Profile.ascx'

Recently I upgraded a DotNetNuke Project to 5.6.3. After the upgrade everything seemed fine. When I went into Visual Studio 2008 SP1 and opened the website and tried to compile I got a few errors. The main error that plagued me was: Error 3 The file '/Admin/Users/Profile.ascx' does not exist. \admin\Users\ViewProfile.ascx 2 .

I noticed the upgrade basically cleared out the /admin/users folder, except left the ViewProfile control. This seems to reference a control with the tag name “profile”.

To get around this error, simply delete the ViewProfile.aspx and it's code behind. Recompile and you should be fine.

How to solve Micrososft SQL Server 2008 R2 Error: 1813

Recently I had a machine go down. I was able to get into recovery mode and transfer off most of the files. When I rebuilt the machine and reinstalled SQL server, I tried to attached my old database from the backup I took.

When I went to attach my log file I got the following error:

Attach database filed for Server 'SERVERNAME\INSTANCE'. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo)

Additional Information:
An excepetion occured while excuting a Trasact-SQL statement or batch.

Could not open new database 'YOURDATABASENAME'. CREATE DATABASE is aborted.
File activation failure. The physical file name 'LOG FILE LOCATION' may be incorrect. The log cannot be rebuilt because there were open transactions/users when the database was shutdown, no checkpoint occurred to the database, or the database was read-only. This error could occur if the transaction log file was manually deleted or lost due to a hardware or environmental failure. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 1813)

Unfortunatly, the SQL log file was currupt and I didn't have a copy due to the server going down. So now what!?!?

The Solution:

Create a new database with the same exact name.


Now stop Micrososft SQL Server.
Replace the MDF file with the old MDF file.
Start Micrososft SQL Server.

If everything went well the database should be in "Suspect" mode, which you check by running this:


Your database should now be in 'SUSPECT' mode.

Let's put her in emergency mode:


Then single user mode:


And Finally:

Buy Me a Beer

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

DotNetNuke Upgrade Paths

I was poking around to find the proper upgrade path for upgrading DotNetNuke. I found this post by Will Strohl:

Which shows the following chart:

From VersionTo Version
02.00.04External Link02.01.02External Link
02.01.02External Link03.01.01External Link
03.01.01External Link03.02.02External Link
03.02.02External Link04.03.07External Link *
04.03.07External Link04.04.01External Link
04.04.01External Link04.06.02External Link
04.06.02External Link04.09.05External Link
04.09.05External Link05.04.04External Link **
05.04.04External Link05.05.00External Link
05.05.00External Link05.06.02External Link

Upgrade URL to fire the install:

I was currently working with version 4.9.1 for our client and going from one version to another just seemd like such a pain. Especially since the scripts sometimes fail for no reason and when run again, run fine. So I went from 4.09.01 to 5.06.02 and the script ran but the HTML_Community core module kept failing durring the upgrade, it was the only failure in my logs.

I found the error eventually, and it turns out one of our vendors had added a Full Text Index on the HTML_Text table. Once I removed the FULL TEXT from the table and reran the upgrade, direct from 4.9.1 to 5.6.3, it ran without any errors at all.

While I believe the upgrade path is good advice if you have issues, I would recommend doing a direct upgrade to the latest first, if you get errors then follow the upgrade path, elsewise, save yourself some time and try the latest stable version upgrade first.
