
Friday, July 15, 2011

How to stop duplicate emails in email2db

Hey all,
I was having issues where sometimes within my triggers and multiple back and forths with the email2db that my triggers would fire over and over. For example:
I have a trigger called test. I have a second trigger called test 2.
First email is sent with this in the body : "We are going to start the test tomorrow"
End User gets reply
End User replies and hits reply in their client:
Hey I am more interested in test 2

-----Original Message-----
From: Parker Software Ltd []
Sent: Friday, July 15, 2011 3:31 AM
To: Vecdid
Subject: test

We are going to start the test tomorrow
Now, by default email2db will reply to both triggers now. I do not want the same email with the same trigger going to the same user, makes no sense. So, I came up with the follow script I thought I would share and save someone else the time. Add this to your condition script and no dupes should ever happen.
Please note I am not using the built in database, I configured email2db to use SQL Server.
Sub Main()
Dim blnDupe As Boolean
Dim strConnectionString As String
Dim strTriggerID As String
Dim strSQL As String
Dim objcon
Dim objRS

blnDupe = False
Set objcon = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
strConnectionString = "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Data " & _
"Source=MYSQLSERVER;Initial Catalog=Email2DB;user id = 'ID';password='PASSWORD'"
'Grab the trigger id from the Trigger table
strSQL = "Select TriggerID from Triggers where TriggerName = 'MYTRIGGERNAME"
objcon.Open strConnectionString
Set objRS = o.Execute(strSQL)
strTriggerID = objRS.Fields.Item(0)
'Check email2db table for existing reply to fromaddress by triggerID
objcon.Open strConnectionString
strSQL = "Select FromAddress from Email2DB where TriggerMatch = 1"
strSQL = strSQL + " And TriggerSuccess = 1 And TriggerID = '"
strSQL = strSQL + strTriggerID + "' AND FromAddress = '" + MSG_From + "'"

Set objRS = objcon.Execute(strSQL)
'Do we have a dupe by TriggerID/Email
Do Until objRS.EOF
blnDupe = True
'YOU MUST SET Email2DBTrigger, true fires any trigger actions and if you use a condition script all other conditions seem to be ignored
If blnDupe = True Then Email2DBTrigger = False
If blnDupe = False Then Email2DBTrigger = True
End If

Just a heads up, you may have to add to the triggerID lookup the accountID if you use multiple accounts.
So you would change this:
strSQL = "Select TriggerID from Triggers where TriggerName = 'MYTRIGGERNAME"
To this:
strSQL = "Select TriggerID from Triggers where TriggerName = 'MYTRIGGERNAME" AND AccountID = 'MYACCOUNTID'"

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